Find out the hacked file names on your computer

This postal service is associated alongside its showtime part, hence please read the showtime part here: 26 tips to protect your calculator from hacking

WARNING if yous flora whatever file inward the search as well as hence showtime of all brand certain that it is included hither inward the listing earlier yous create anything alongside it.

To arrive easier for yous merely form the files past times cite to know what missive of the alphabet that file is starting with. When I nation for event abc.* that agency whatever file named abc alongside whatever extension similar abc.exe or abc.log or abc.doc ... as well as hence on ... as well as when I nation similar abc*.exe that agency whatever exe file starts alongside abc similar abc.exe or abc1.exe or abcefg.exe ... as well as hence on ... hence when I nation similar abc*.* it agency whatever file that starts alongside abc as well as alongside whatever extension similar abc.txt or abc.exe or abc77.vbs or abcdwq.dl_ ... as well as hence on.

You tin easily re-create i trouble (by treble-clicking on it of example) as well as glue it inward the detect box (click Start ... choose Find ... choose Files or Folders) but showtime brand certain that yous tin persuasion all files , to hold out able to create so, select "Show all files" from the folder options, I listed all hack files I know, but that doesn't hateful this page is including all hacking files.

Check every line:

Search for these files inward Windows OR Winnt directory ONLY


Search for these files inward Windows\System OR Winnt\System32 directory ONLY

Search for these files inward ALL the folders inward the difficult disk inward your PC. but brand certain that they are NOT related to a computer programme that yous are using

(It is a long listing I know)  anyway. Normally they volition hold out flora inside the C: master copy path or ("C:\Windows" ,,, "C:\Program Files" ,,, "C:\Documents as well as Settings" as well as their subdirectories)

Something else, search for this file alongside this format *server*.exe ... if yous flora anything as well as hence yous induce got to recollect to a greater extent than than in i lawsuit close it ... (not all of them volition hold out a backdoor of course) ... create the same affair alongside whatever foreign file-name that yous encounter inward your PC.

If yous too flora a file alongside this format * (like picture.jpg.pif or document.doc.vbs) as well as hence most in all probability it volition hold out a hacking file or a virus ... Get cerise of it 

Also if yous flora a file alongside the cite of #.* (only a seat out or a string of numbers alongside an extension of .exe or .com) as well as hence yous induce got to accept caution ... it powerfulness hold out a hacking file ...
* Some people asked me close a skilful Anti-Virus software for them to purpose ... good ... it is difficult to nation that this i is meliorate than that i ... but I am using Kaspersky.

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